Optimizing SEO Friendly Blog How To create a blog to a maximum of more efficient and we have to find again what the right way to be easily indexed on search engines . Steps that need to be done is to optimize trsebut blog as much as possible in terms of script code , design layouts , templates , authorization , etc. . On a sunny morning this earthy , Media Bloggers will provide simple tips , easy , and brief about the steps that can be taken to properly blog optimization .
You need to know in advance that the Meta keywords and descriptions is an important element for Search engine optimization for our blog . The function of the meta keywords is to make search engines / search engines easily recognize the content and keywords we are targeting blogs that we have . As for the meta description , function is to explain to visitors and search engines on the identity of our blog and include any such materials our blog .The first is how to optimize a blog starting from the manufacture or how to install the meta description and keywords .
According to some sources about the latest Google algorithm updates , you need to consider though for now the search engine / search engine Google has no need of Meta Keyword again in a templete or blog , but other search engines like Bing , Yahoo or others still care about meta keywords the . so we indeed need to install both the meta tag .
How to Install a New Meta Tags Description and Meta Keyword Tag :

1 . Log in to blogspot 

2 . Select the menu and then Edit HTML Templates 
3 . Find <b:skin> code < ! [ CDATA [ / * by pressing CTRL + FPlace the following code above the code <b:skin> < ! [ CDATA [ / *

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
<meta name="description" content="Tulis Buddy Description disini" />
<meta name="keywords" content="Tulis keywords like design website, buddy disini, blog, seo, tutorial blogger" />
< / b : if>
4 . Replace the red writing in accordance with the content , theme , and the topic of your blog . Save Template . 

5 . As a guide to make it more clear and easier to specify the description and the keywords , please read How to Make SEO Friendly Keyword Being .
6 . Install a sitemap.xml and robots.txt on your blog .To facilitate your blog obtain a better position in the search engines you need to create a sitemap and robots.txt file . However , for us users blogger / blogspot turns sitemap ( site map ) and robots.txt is already provided by Google . So , we just activate it.To be more clear , please read the article guide post How to Create Sitemap in Blog . 

7 . Optimize Blog ArchiveBlog is a gadget that has long existed at blogger.com . Blog Archive is a collection of blog titles are grouped by date , month , and year can be displayed with a flat , hierarchy , and a dropdown . How to Optimize a Blog easily one of which is to optimize the blog archive .
This gadget categorize our blog posts in an orderly manner based on the order of years , months , weeks and days . This gadget shows to several different writings published in the past . If the link is still the default in this gadget can cause problems for SEO and search engine robots to index the duplicate content from our blog .
This link will bring adverse effects to the site owner so we must avoid the search engines to index and archive links mngoptimalkannya . We can avoid the search engines by using HTML attributes that will tell search engine crawlers that this is an automatic archive links so that they will understand and will not crawl it . Here is the easiest process to add that HTML attributes I mentioned above .
Find code <a class='post-count-link' expr:href='data:i.url'> on the Edit menu in the HTML of your template .If it is , please replace the <a rel='archives' class='post-count-link' expr:href='data:i.url'>
Save Template .
8 . Use the breadcrumbs at the Top PostsBreadcrumbs means a shaped piece of bread ( can box , oval , oblong , round ) in the posting page which displays the location of the structure of the article is located. Usually breadcrumbs are displayed at the top of the post . How to Optimize and How to Make Breadcrumbs Breadcrumbs Indexed Search Engine please read How to create breadcrumbs indexed by google
9 . Optimizing Articles Which made ​​.The article is the result of a bouquet that contains text , images , video , audio and others that we show on a blog page . Therefore, it is very important for us to optimize the article in order to improve the image and our work to others who see it . Not only that , the search engines also prioritize the article as the main categories to be displayed in the search results .
Tips Start A Blog with Good you can make guidelines to optimize the blog to make it more efficient and effective .
Similarly, a brief article that hopefully this can be useful . Hopefully some of the tips was to optimize a blog on search engines to get better .

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