HOW TO CHOOSE A GOOD DOMAIN NAME , quality Domain - Is it necessary ? .... Of course choosing a domain name is a very important stage . It can be difficult for you and your SEO can also make it very easy . Take your time to read tips on choosing the best domain name .

1 . Try to Contain KeywordDomain names can be helpful for you to win the competition keywords . This is taking into account robot . That's also the reason the domain name is always prohibited in SEO competition , because there will be inequities in opportunities , and people so lazy to compete .
2 . Try Using a . Com. COM is a TLD ( Top Level Domain ) is the most easily remembered. If there is a similar website name then people will first test . COM . So it is highly recommended that you managed to get a version . COM domain name that you want.
3 . Select spelling Name That EasyIt is necessary you notice , because a lot of people up to the wrong address because of misspelling or typos . So make sure to choose a name that is easily spelled and typed .

4 . If Can Keep Domain Name BriefThe shorter course is getting easier to remember , but of course we are often constrained because the name is already used by someone else . So if they can get you a short version of the Seek .
5 . Try Not Using Hyphen ( - )Based on this research, it turns out that using a hyphen names easily forgotten by people . Many forget the name of who was behind the hyphen . So if you can, do not use hyphens . We try to make our visitors can remember the domain name and visit again .
6 . Avoid the use of replacement numbers letter ( Do not Alay )Same principle with what has been mentioned above . Choosing a name like this can make people hard to remember . And that certainly does not help your ranking placement . Search engines calculate the value of the domain name . Do not be destroyed by using a non-standard name .
7 . Avoid using slang nameMany are trying to make a website visible slang name so compromising the strength of existing keywords in the domain name . Robots and the algorithm does not like non-standard language , so avoid . If you insist then the robot will assume your blog is not a professional blog .
8 . Polar Names containing keywords rather than brandDo not imitate Google recklessly . We need a long way to make the brand famous . If you are just beginning to pioneer commercial websites should prioritize keywords . Unless you are a big business and his name is well known , please use the brand itself .
9 . Try The Unique NameIf you can find a keyword in a unique format and others rarely used it would be nice . It's important to make your visitors easily remember your domain name . I myself find it difficult to find a unique name for the blog with this SEO Tutorial genre so I hope TRIKMUDAHSEO pretty easy to remember name .
10 . Search now!If you seriously want to get a good name , then the sooner the better . The longer the delay , then the chances are you crushes name captured the greater . So what are you waiting , immediately discuss and consider the idea , and select the best keywords for your blog , then look for the best domain name for your blog .
Hopefully this article can help ease your SEO optimization hereinafter . Good luck and get the best domain name

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