User engagement is of prime importance today. If you are looking for high Google Rankings then a positive user engagement is what is required. What can we do to boost up the user engagement that we receive on our posts? Google Analytics offers a better way to boost this user engagement by effectively utilizing the data hub activity report. Let us discuss what is data hub activity report and how you can use it to increase social engagement.

Data Hub Activity in Google Analytics

The Data Hub Activity report in Google Analytics lets you identify the conversations that are happening related to your brand on specified data hub partners which Google has. Some of the data hub partners include Allvoices, delicious, diigo, disquss, hatena, meetup, pocket etc. 

Where to Find it?

Move to social -> Data Hub Activity. A screenshot is shared below:

 The activity displays the social shares and interactions that has happened for your brand. You will see the Google Plus profiles of the people who shared your posts. Just by clicking on the view activity link, you can directly visit the URL where your post was shared and contribute to it.

Driving User Engagement

Check the different conversations available on Data hub and engage on them. Your engagement will matter the most because your brand was shared, liked and commented by the user, therefore any feedback from the brand owner will directly impact the overall conversation. 

This is one of the best ways to drive user engagement because you would be interacting with people who already care about your brand. 

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